Society of Botanical Artists


I feel like I have a lot of news to share and catch up on.

I’ve been accepted onto the Society of Botanical Artists Distance Learning Diploma: a big decision for me that has led me to take a year out of my medical studies. This started in January, lasts 27 months, and is considered a leading botanical illustration course, certainly within the UK. 

I received my package with all of the information, some materials, and a name badge! A super exciting day. 

Until June I am going to be balancing University with this Diploma. Assignment 1 started on January 1st 2014, and is due on the 28th February. There are 3 components: a simple line drawing (the kind that would be used prior to painting), a stippled drawing, and a full tonal pencil piece. 

I am really looking forward to using my blog to document my progress on this Diploma for the next 2 years or so!


Assignment 1